



    My brand new website launched!

    January 29, 2015

    We launched my new website today (this one) - a new official website that I have great expectations for.

    We made the photographs and the browsing experience of these, our main priority during the development phase. We wanted to cut away any clutter and focus on the essence, which is my vision and why I do what I do, my photographs and the increasing number of well- established galleries where you can see my art on display.

    In the portfolio- section of this website you will find 40+ new photographs from my Iceland- journeys. If you wish to view my Iceland- project portfolio you will find it under the corresponding project- entry in the journal- log to the left here. In a few days from now I will also add new content in the form of a blog from my latest trip to Erkna Island.

    The whole team at Kodebyraaet has been a pleasure working with. Emil Bonsaksen, art director at Kodebyraaet, has been the main engine behind making this new website a reality. I cannot thank him enough for the effort he has put in, and the grace he has shown in the face of daunting, never- ending lists of points of improvement from a perfectionist photographer wanting only the best for his new online presence.

    If I can say so myself, the result looks good, and functions well – in line with what we wanted to achieve from the onset.

    I hope you enjoy your journey through these pages, and remember to follow me on Facebook if you want to receive updates from me in the future.

    Emil Bonsaksen and Anthoni Giskegjerde - two very likable professionals